Upgrade & Update


By purchasing the Program, all users can download  new information and updates  from the database of the Serbian Business Directory as well as new versions of the program during their one-year subscription.

The download process for new data and program versions via the Internet is as follows:

1. Internet access is required.

2. Start the program. Important notice: Your copy of the Program must be registered! If you are still using an unregistered version of the program, the download of new versions and databases will fail!

3. Once the Program has been started, select the following option on the introduction screen: Download data and program.

4. If there is new data available for download, you will immediately see the list of files  available. After confirming this operation, allow some time for the download and installation to complete. That will depend on how often you have updated your version of the program and, of course, on the file size.

5. If you are working with the updated Program, you will receive a message that there are no new data or programs for download.

New information for updating the Program is available to users at least once per month. Your copy of the program must be registered for use! If you are still using an unregistered version of the Program, the download of updates will not be successful!

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